الجمعة، 3 يونيو 2011


INTRODUCTION: The European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial
Surgery (EBOMFS) in common with other European Boards
of recognized UEMS-Specialties is conducting RQ (Recognition
of Qualification) – Assessments. The European Board
exists to enhance the standards of training and practice
through different means. Among those is the EBOMFS –
Assessment, which will give the title of “Fellow of the
EBOMFS“. The Assessment is voluntary and does not affect
free movement of doctors in Europe.
ELIGIBILITY: Candidates for the R.Q. – Assessment must
satisfy one of the three following terms.
— Recognized specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery
in one of the countries of the E.U. where the specialty is
based on a medical and dental degree.
— Recognized specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery
in one of the countries of the E.U. where the specialty is
based on a medical degree.
— Recognized specialists in oral and maxillofacial surgery
in one of the countries of the E.U. where the specialty is
based on a dental degree, provided this specialist also holds
a medical degree.
The candidate for the R.Q. – Assessment shall have been
a recognized specialist in oral and maxillofacial surgery for
at least 3 years. It shall be demonstrated that he or she has
effectively practised oral and maxillofacial surgery during
this period. It shall be proved that he or she has shown continuing
scientific and/or continuing medical training interest
in the specialty.
STRUCTURE: The assessment will be in three parts.
1. Curriculum vitae and logbook in English.
2. Multiple Choise Exam (MCQ) in simple English.
3. Oral interview of the candidate.
The Oral Examination will be carried out using one out of
the following four languages: English, French, German,
Spanish. Exceptionally, if the candidate cannot cope with
any of these four languages and do not agree with the
offered suggestion should contact the Secretary General
for further proposals in order to find appropriate examiners
for Oral Assessment. The oral interview will last one hour
and consists of two parts:
A. Questions convering the whole scope of the specialty.
B. Case report. Each candidate must be ready to present
three well documented personal cases: (using slides, photographs,
medical imaging, casts, histology, laboratory findings
Candidates who do not pass the first part will not be permitted
to enter the second part. Each part of the assessment
will be conducted by a panel of three assessors
selected by the board. The chairman of each jury will be
from the same country as the candidate. The decision of the
assessors will be final.
The fee for the assessment will be 400 € payable with the
application for the assessment. A copy of the bank draft
or a cheque must be enclosed. The fee cannot be refunded.
The deadline for Application for the 2006 Assessment will
be the 1st of February 2006. The assessment will take place
just before the XVIII EACMFS – Congress in Barcelona,
Spain, from Sept. 12th to Sept. 16th, 2006. Specialists
wishing to enter this assessment or wishing to obtain
further instructions and application forms should contact
the Secretary General of EBOMFS of their national representatives.
Helsinki 2005
Secretary General, EBOMFS/UEMS, Dr. Risto Kontio
European Board of Oro-Maxillo-Facial Surgery
(EBOMFS), Dept. of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Helsinki
University Hospital, 00029 HUS, FIN, pfl: +358 9 47188212,
pvt: +358 00 400292, fax: +358 9 47188505, email:

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