الجمعة، 3 يونيو 2011

muhammad is the messenger of allah

All will be listed within this article was taken from books, manuscripts and texts are supported in addition to stories quoting people who actually witnessed the events. References that were relied upon, too numerous to mention here, preserved over the centuries by both Muslims and non-Muslims.

Many people in these days of the Prophet (peace be upon him). Who is it exactly? What did he teach? He loves a lot of people do not do some of them? Did he live up to his? Did the holy man? Was he a prophet of God? What is the truth about this man? You be the judge!

Here are the facts as narrated by thousands of people, many of whom knew the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and knew him personally.

* He was born to the lineage of Mecca and the oldest tribes.
* Named "Muhammad" is derived from the source, "Hamad," and the public since that time and until this very moment, God inherits the earth and them arriving him many times per day, - blessings of Allah be upon Muhammad peace be upon him -
* He never habits of the tribe in the worship of idols, idols or gods that they fell into.
* He believed that God is one God and must be worshiped alone, without any partner.
* Was revered and respected name of God never took a jest or ridicule was not used for the purposes or the interests of no use.
* He despised false worship and all the consequent behaviors and transactions degenerate.
* Committed to the application of all religious teachings, "the teachings of one God," as did the prophets before him.
* He never. He advised others not to commit this shameful act.
* It prohibits the hills as he did before Christ, peace be upon him centuries.
* He never gambled and did not allow it.
* Did not drink alcohol, though it was a very normal thing for people of his time.
* Not backbite anyone ever, and shows what he hears from gossip and backbiting.
* He fasted closer to Almighty God and away from the desires of him.
* Said that the Messiah Jesus son of Mary - peace be upon him - is a miracle of God's creation and that the mother of the Virgin of the best creation of Almighty God.
* Confirmed - peace be upon him - even to the Jews of Medina, that Jesus - peace be upon him - is the Christ, who stated in the Torah.
* He said that the miracles that came by Jesus - peace be upon him - (of healing the blind and the leper and the revival of the dead) is from God.
* He stated clearly that Jesus - peace be upon him - did not die, but God raised him to heaven.
* The alert (peace be upon him) was inspired by God, that Christ will return Ajaraloyam to lead the believers to victory over the enemies of the right and kill the Antichrist.
* He also ordered the (peace be upon him) to pay alms to the poor and he was the protector and defender of widows, orphans and the wayfarers.
• The family is reunited and honor the ties of kinship and he restored the relations between family members.
* Urged his followers to engage women through legal marriage and has forbidden adultery.
* Confirmed - upon him blessings and peace - to give women their rights of dowry, inheritance and property ....
* All manners of noble patience and humility, and others had to admit to everyone who knew him by creating Hamid, who is unparalleled among humans.

A - did not lie Muhammad - peace be upon him - never, did not betray the covenants did not false witness, never. Was known by all the tribes in Mecca, known Saadiq Secretary.
B - has not weighed - peace be upon him - never, and did not have relations outside of marriage did not accept such acts even though it was very common at that time.
T - not associated with any woman except in the framework of legitimate marriage and the presence of witnesses according to law.
W - relationship with Ms. Aisha - may Allah be pleased with them - was a valid marriage relationship we know the details of the conversations, which shared the Aisha as the highest relationship between a man and a woman full of love and respect. Ayesha is considered one of the best of Roy talk about the Prophet - peace be upon him - was not only one day the wife of the Messenger of Allah, were not linked to any other man, the Prophet did not tell him - peace be upon him - that is never a negative attitude.
C - Campus - peace be upon him - killing until it is clear from the rule of God in the situation. As God's teachings in this regard: Allah has permitted to kill all of the experience of Muslims and Islam, but fighting on the border with the province, including that of God on this matter.
H - Islam has forbidden the killing of any innocent life.
X - never happened no genocide of Jews. He asked forgiveness for them and provided them with protection, even after they broke their covenants with him - peace be upon him - several times. Did not address them, the messenger is only after it became clear to him that they betrayed him and wanted to sign him and the Muslims. Retaliation was applied only to those who proved to be treason to God and His noble Messenger.
D - then known tribes to own slaves and that Islam came to edit the order necks. He has the prophet freeing slaves and ordered all his followers to do so. It up - peace be upon him - free maid - who was like a son to him - Zaid bin Haritha and by Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him bought Bilal al-Habashi - the first muezzin in Islam - only to edit it.
Y - For those who were trying to undermine the messenger and kill him, (The most famous incident that occurred when Nam master the generosity of God and his face in the bed of the Messenger of Allah on the night he left the city with Abu Bakr, may Allah be pleased with him), he did the Prophet anyone ever to punish those involved in such such acts. The biggest proof of that when the Prophet entered Mecca triumphantly and his was the first orders to his followers not to harm any who offend him and his companions were (peace be upon him). That is one of the scenes of amnesty and pardon in the life of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him).
T - did not allow the Muslims to fight in the first thirteen years of advocacy. It was not related Bmekdrthm to fight because they were experienced to do so because the nature of the life they once knew and long-standing disputes between the tribes, but it's God's fight had not been revealed yet. But after that the law of God Almighty the fighting began with the duties and rights arising from that and the limits of God. The orders of God on the subject of fighting and a clear and explicit for those who fight and how, when and what limits must not be overcome.
G - forbidden in Islam to destroy the infrastructure is strictly prohibited unless ordered by God according to certain situations.
Q - While the enemies of Islam seek to abuse the Prophet in various ways and cursing, he (peace be upon him) praying for their guidance. The best proof of this trip (peace be upon him) to Taif, which hurt the Messenger of Allah mischief very beginning of the refusal to meet him by the tribal elders and ending with the beat and pelted him with stones by children who are left behind even bloodied feet Ahariftan peace be upon him. And when he came Gabriel peace be upon him to take revenge on his enemies and offered him to order the king of the mountains to be applied on them, reject (peace be upon him), and he urged them to be guided and said, "It may be out of the solidity who believes in God." What the will of the Holy Prophet is to deliver the message and did not take care of himself and the extent of the injury suffered.
U - The Prophet (peace be upon him) that every child is born on instinct (to Islam: Islam means complete submission to God and follow his orders), but influenced by the society in which they live and education received by the change what's inside of common sense.
R - The Science of the Holy Prophet and his companions, all Muslims to worship the one God the God of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, David and Solomon and Jesus, peace be upon them all and believe in them all the apostles and prophets, and the servants of the One God. He also stressed the respect and reverence for all the prophets, without differentiating between them.
Z - also said that the assets of the Torah, the Psalms and the Gospel are from the same source as the Quran - not a God -
I - predicted the Prophet - inspired by God - a lot of events have already been, as told from the events of the future and you will get there as well.
Q - I have stated in the Koran the story of the sinking of Pharaoh, when the right of the Prophet Moses peace be upon him is outside of Egypt, "the day shall We save thee to be behind those verses," The French scientist, Maurice Bucaille in his book "The Bible, Quran and Science" to confirm this fact, which stunned the world when it reached through his analysis of the mummy of "Pharaoh" that the effects of salt remaining due to drowning in the sea, and said this is what God says in the Qur'an more than 1400 years.
P - The events of the story of the sinking of Pharaoh was before the mission of the Prophet (peace be upon him) thousands of years and mentioned in the Koran did not show this truth to the world only a few decades ago after more than 1400 years to the revelation of the Qur'an ... How the messenger to know this, if not the Holy Word of God one Sunday.

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